DocuTrack: Improving Your Pharmacy’s Workflow

DocuTrack: Improving Your Pharmacy’s Workflow

All pharmacies have the same primary objectives: to fill prescriptions and care for patients. Despite this, every pharmacy’s workflow is unique. Without a streamlined, efficient workflow, pharmacies can quickly descend into chaos, leading to potential medication errors, waste, and ultimately increased operational costs.

In long-term care (LTC) pharmacy settings, these pitfalls are further compounded by higher prescription volumes, more regulatory documentation, and a higher focus on Medication Therapy Management (MTM), among other things. Although having excellent pharmacy software is essential in mitigating these challenges, implementing a streamlined workflow can be the defining factor for success.

What’s Your Ideal Workflow?

The ideal pharmacy workflow combines efficiency, compliance, and accuracy by automating repetitive and manual tasks.

To achieve this,

  1. Identify each step in your current workflow.
  2. Evaluate the time and resources needed and any bottlenecks present in your processes.
  3. Implement an advanced system with a redesigned workflow to address your specific needs and goals.

Enter DocuTrack

DocuTrack is a customizable pharmacy document and workflow software that organizes and stores all your content, giving you time to run your pharmacy smoothly. Developed to address the unique needs of long-term care pharmacies, DocuTrack has evolved with the industry, incorporating various features along the way.


DocuTrack's editable workflow and import rules allow you to replicate and automate daily pharmacy operations, modifying them where necessary. This means that your processes don’t change (unless you want them to); they improve. Features like process automation, barcoding, custom routing rules, and ePrescribing integration reduce error-prone tasks, simplify workflows, and expedite order processing, leading to safer patient outcomes.

Search Better

With one click, DocuTrack’s Unified Search empowers you to find the status of prescriptions across multiple platforms, including Axys, PrimeCare, and DeliveryTrack. This powerful feature grants you quick access to order progress, allowing you to efficiently address customer inquiries about medication status and provide precise prescription verification.

The DeliveryTrack section offers comprehensive tracking capabilities, ensuring you can monitor deliveries in real time. Access to detailed information such as the driver’s name, cell phone number, estimated arrival time, and current location enhances your ability to provide timely and reliable service. Together, DocuTrack and DeliveryTrack equip your pharmacy for the best possible transfer and storage of information and products.

Facilitate Communication

Patient Health Information (PHI) is regularly exchanged between pharmacies and facilities, making HIPAA-secure messaging essential for LTC pharmacies. No more sifting through faxes and voicemails to get the information you need — DocuTrack’s integration with Mediprocity ensures instant confidential communication, facilitating teamwork and collaboration for your pharmacists, technicians, and all other stakeholders.

Keep Records

DocuTrack eliminates the hassle of paper files and ensures that all necessary documents are securely stored, making it easier to find what you need when you need it. When documents are imported directly into DocuTrack, they’re routed to where they need to go, ready for recall whenever you need it. Its Audit Assist feature quickly processes and compiles the documentation required for audits, with a complete audit history of every action taken.

Join Our Webinar

Join our upcoming webinar to see DocuTrack's latest features in action and understand how it can improve your pharmacy’s workflow. Our experts will walk you through the system, answer your questions, and demonstrate how DocuTrack can be tailored to meet your unique needs.


Implementing a streamlined workflow can be the difference between a pharmacy that struggles with inefficiency and one that thrives on operational excellence. DocuTrack empowers pharmacies to operate more efficiently and accurately. Take the first step towards transforming your pharmacy with DocuTrack.

Reach out today to learn more about DocuTrack.

Written by:
Matilda Olu-Jordan
Marketing Coordinator, RedSail Technologies
Matilda Olu-Jordan

Matilda’s background in retail and clinical pharmacy equips her with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by independent pharmacies. She provides readers with knowledge and strategies to thrive in a competitive landscape. In her role, Matilda wears many hats to ensure the seamless execution of marketing initiatives.

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