Celebrate One Year of Long-Term Care Excellence with the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast

A lot can happen in a year. Seasons change, leaves fall, and new ideas germinate from the ground like spring flowers. In the pharmacy industry, the best time to run with new ideas is right now.

Enter the AmplifyLTC Podcast. For the last 12 months, hosts Frances Nahas and Mark Bivins have dived into the long-term care industry, interviewing some of the field’s best and brightest.

With 12 episodes under our belt and many more to go, let’s take a walk down memory lane and visit some of the podcast’s greatest hits.

Episode 1: The One That Started It All

Sometimes the hardest part is the beginning. Getting a podcast off the ground can feel like an uphill climb. The time between brainstorming initial concepts and pressing record for the first time is a long one, filled with countless hours of collaboration and shakeups. Luckily, any uncertainty can go away with the right first guest. In the case of Lindsay Dymowski, we couldn’t pick a better person to help set the right tone.

The very first episode of the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast was a sign of things to come: informative, engaging conversations with the LTC industry’s brightest minds. Lindsay, along with all our other guests, shared valuable insights to optimize your pharmacy operations.

Check out this clip from our first episode where Lindsay discusses the ins and outs of LTC pharmacy combo shops.

Improving Pharmacy Work

As many who have donned the white coat know, pharmacy work goes beyond filling prescriptions or staying within your pharmacy walls. Pharmacy work takes all kinds of different shapes and sizes, and our podcast guests have taken deep dives into all corners of the pharmacy industry.

Let’s start with the legislative side. The lawmaking sector of the industry is in the middle of what we hope is great change. PBM reform is finally on the horizon and the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming brighter than ever before. Alan Rosenbloom, President & CEO of Senior Care Pharmacy Coalition (SCPC), gets into the nitty gritty of the legislative prospects of LTC pharmacy in this clip.

Need to brush up on your pharmacy’s vaccine game? Look no further than our episode with Chad Kodiak. His episode of the podcast emphasizes the need for vaccine education and adherence at a time where misinformation is spreading like wildfire.

Chad’s appearance illustrates what the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast is all about: showcasing how you can improve your pharmacy operations in new and exciting ways. What's more, many of our guests’ pearls of wisdom can apply to your pharmacy, regardless of whether it has an LTC sector (though you might want to look into that).

Another central tenet of the podcast is focusing on your pharmacy staff. Work morale can be an overlooked but vital element of your pharmacy’s success. The more supported your staff feels, the more empowered they become to offer even more exceptional patient care.

For more on making your LTC pharmacy the place to be, check out Miriam Cho’s appearance on the podcast.

Beyond the Pharmacy

The word “AmplifyLTC” might sound a little familiar to some of you. If that’s the case, you’re probably thinking of our Axys user event of the same name. This past May, LTC professionals from all over the country came together to meet, collaborate, and discover new insights into the industry.

The AmplifyLTC conference was a hotbed for new ideas and ways to approach pharmacy work. Sometimes we need a second wind to tackle new issues and problems. With the help of the AmplifyLTC conference (not to mention that almost all our speakers were guests on the podcast), those four days in the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville provided lightbulb moments in abundance.

And the party doesn’t stop there. Stay tuned on our social media channels to get the latest on next year’s event — you won’t want to miss it.

Conclusion — We’re Just Getting Started

For the last year, the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast has showcased the power of LTC pharmacy. Hearing the likes of Chad Kodiak and Miriam Cho discuss pharmacy concepts in a relatable way illustrates just how big a role LTC continues to play in the industry.

But you don’t have to wait a month for more pearls of wisdom. The AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast is part of the NextWave Pharmacy Network, where lightbulb moments and Prescribeables (check out the Catalyst Pharmacy Podcast to be in the know) are available everywhere you look.

Whether you’re watching, listening, walking, or driving, our podcasts give you a treasure trove of pharmacy knowledge to make your small business a bonafide healthcare destination.

With one year of the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast under our belts, we can’t wait to see (or hear) what comes next. We hope to see you there.

Click here to subscribe to the AmplifyLTC Pharmacy Podcast.

Click here to subscribe to the Catalyst and Beyond the Scripts Podcasts.

Written by:
Matilda Olu-Jordan
Marketing Coordinator, RedSail Technologies
Matilda Olu-Jordan

Matilda’s background in retail and clinical pharmacy equips her with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by independent pharmacies. She provides readers with knowledge and strategies to thrive in a competitive landscape. In her role, Matilda wears many hats to ensure the seamless execution of marketing initiatives.

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