RedSail Copay Solutions

RedSail Technologies offers automated copay assistance that helps offset patient copays and increases prescription volume. It also reduces prescription abandonment from high out-of-pocket costs. Participating in RxAdvantage Copay Solutions helps increase medication adherence and provides additional revenue for pharmacies.
rxadvantage copay assistance progrms

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How RxAdvantage Copay Solutions Help Pharmacies

Integrated with pharmacy system for instant voucher visibility within claim response.
Weekly ACH payment cycle to pharmacies to accelerate cash flow, versus typical monthly payments.
Remittances to the pharmacy or 835s to selected reconciliation vendor.
Near real-time metrics available through intuitive dashboards.
clinical program coaches
Dedicated clinical pharmacy coach to drive program success.

Types of RxAdvantage Copay Solutions

automated voucher

Automated Voucher

Automatically applies manufacturer discounts/coupons at the time of claim adjudication on a brand’s patient copay. It’s effortless for the pharmacy, with an instant alert in the claim response about the copay reduction.
automated conversion

Automated Conversion

If a commercial payer blocks or limits coverage on a patient’s prescription claim, this program steps in with real-time copay assistance provided by the drug sponsor.
redsail advantage - pharmacy solutions

Discount Copay Card

Traditional manufacturer savings programs using BIN and PCN that provide discounts to eligible patients on a medication’s copay.
redsail rxadvantage live webinar
RedSail RxAdvantage Copay Assistance Program
Tuesday, August 8, 1:30 PM (ET)  

Additional Manufacturer Savings Opportunities

epinephrine auto-injectors

Amneal Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

  • Manufacturer savings card for epinephrine auto-injectors (generic for Adrenaclick).
  • Special RedSail-negotiated supply at $175/twin pack.
  • RedSail-negotiated patient savings up to $30 (compared to standard programs at $10).
View Fact Sheet

NRx/PrimeCare customers: See instructions for adding a new Amneal Price Plan here.

epinephrine auto-injectors

SureComfort™ Pen Needles and Syringes

  • Access to special pricing on Allison Medical™ SureComfort insulin pen needles and syringes.
  • Ability to make up to 65% margin and compete against national retail store brands.
View Fact & Pricing Sheet
Step 1. Establish reimbursement payment method.
Provide ACH payment information and gain access to online claims portal.
Begin Enrollment
Step 2. Enroll with R&S Northeast.
Create an account with this wholesaler to order inventory.
Enroll with R&S Pharmaceutical
Step 1. Establish reimbursement payment method.
Provide ACH payment information and gain access to online claims portal.
Begin Enrollment
Step 2. Enroll with R&S Northeast.
Create an account with this wholesaler to order inventory.
Enroll with R&S Pharmaceutical

How to Activate These Opportunities

Create an account with the wholesaler and begin ordering inventory at a reduced price.
Enroll with R&S Pharmaceutical
See tips for R&S enrollment here.
Step 1. Establish reimbursement payment method.
Provide ACH payment information and gain access to online claims portal.
Begin Enrollment
Step 2. Enroll with R&S Northeast.
Create an account with this wholesaler to order inventory.
Enroll with R&S Pharmaceutical