The Art of Patience with Your Patients – Jennifer Guthrie and Bibb Medical Center

Jennifer Guthrie, Bibb Medical Center

Every pharmacist has their why. Some don the white coat to help their community, whereas others do for their love of science and medicine. For Jennifer Guthrie, her pharmacy journey started at home.

As far back as she could remember, her grandmother suffered from arthritis. Seeing how the condition affected her quality of life, choosing a career became a no-brainer.

“She asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said ‘Hmm, I'm going to find a cure for arthritis!’ And that struck her.”

It was that lofty ambition that not only started her pharmacy career, but also her expertise in exceptional customer service. Read on to see how these skills translate into the LTC and hospital pharmacy worlds with Bibb Medical Center.

From the Beginning

Jennifer always had a love of science. She was fascinated with how medications worked in the body, from tablets and capsules to oral suspensions. She recalls a memory of one of her science teachers helping her out with an experiment.

“One of my high school science teachers provided me with hydrochloric acid and we ran the experiment in the kitchen and found that three different tablet forms of Tylenol dissolved within the same amount of time.”

She continues, “Even then, being a pharmacist was not on my radar for a career. I just knew that I loved science.”

That love of science led her to the Samford University McWhorter School of Pharmacy, becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy. She then entered the retail realm, where she got to flex her interpersonal skills, becoming a patient care superstar.


Jennifer excels and thrives at one-on-one conversation. Her time in retail pharmacy showed her love for talking to patients and the hectic hustle and bustle of pharmacy work. So it might come as a surprise to find her in the hospital setting. However, if she’s shown anything, it’s that she can make lemonade out of lemons.

A big misnomer about the hospital setting is that it’s cold and uninviting. Though it doesn’t have the traditional hustle and bustle of retail pharmacy work, there are ways to enhance the patient experience. As the Director of Pharmacy for BMC, Jennifer brings the best of both worlds.

“I was invited to BMC to enhance customer service and develop the retail side of outpatient dispensing for a hospital pharmacy,” she says.

Combining the trademark hospitality of retail pharmacy with the clinical expertise of the hospital world makes Bibb Medical Center a hospital like no other.

Serving the Bibb County community for a combined 60 years, the Alabama-based pharmacy provides pharmaceuticals and services to nursing home residents, hospital patients, employees, and the Cahaba Trace retirement community.

It does the basics effortlessly well: convenient on-site drop-off and pick-up, prescription delivery to the retirement community, monthly medication reviews, and more. It also does what pharmacies should do: create a brighter and more scenic health journey for its patients. BMC’s diabetes education program ensures that patients are healthier and more informed about their quality of life.

“No one ever wants to hear their doctor diagnose them with diabetes," she says. "We encourage people to be mindful of physical activity and do not eat the bread if you are going to eat the cake."

Jennifer knows that a healthier life begins by doing the simple things well: healthy eating and exercise can do wonders, even if that piece of cake is all too tempting.

Patience Is a Virtue

Running a hospital pharmacy is a different beast than running a retail shop. The pace is different but the workload and dedication manifests in unique ways. Patient relationships, as such, take a different form. Because the majority of BMC’s patient base is retirement aged, Jennifer and the staff make sure that patience is a cornerstone of patient care.

“You're working with geriatric patients for the most part, and sometimes you encounter situations where they say you didn’t give them all their medicine.”

Jennifer continues, “You’ve got to be patient with them because they might have misplaced them. Nine times out of 10 we’ll get a call and they’ll say they found their medicine and apologize. The patient is always right and you must treat them with respect.”

She also credits RedSail Technologies and pharmacy software like QS/1 for allowing her to take the time to counsel patients to the fullest and best extent.

“Something I love about RedSail Technologies and QS/1 Primecare is the accessibility to the help desk and great support staff. Their timely response to problems and guidance to the most efficient workflow helps to automate required compliance steps. Trust the system. That peace of mind allows me the freedom to spend valuable time with the patient discussing their medications and healthcare needs.”

Conclusion – Job’s Not Finished

They say if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. While that statement may not always be true, Jennifer Guthrie's love for her work fulfills her in ways that only the dream job can.

“I’ll probably never retire because I love my job,” she says. “It’s not a j-o-b, it’s a way of life.”

The love for pharmacy might be difficult, but it’s real. The LTC sector is changing, and she hopes that the times will bring about good change.

“I would love to see PBMs and reimbursors find a compromising way that the pharmacies can still be profitable and successful, the patient can afford their medication and the third parties take their fair share. There's got to be a happy medium in providing care for the patient, because affordability is a huge barrier to healthcare in the south and especially rural communities.”

For now, Jennifer is doing her part in BMC, ensuring her patients get the most comprehensive and complete care that all people deserve. While she didn’t cure arthritis, she’s reaching people in impactful ways to help them lead happier and healthier lives.

Written by:
Kevin Diaz
Digital Content Writer, RedSail Technologies
Kevin Diaz

Kevin’s seven years of retail pharmacy work gives him first-hand knowledge of what it means to run an efficient pharmacy. His work as a pharmacy technician assures readers that he not only knows what he’s talking about but is able to demystify complex pharmacy concepts for readers and patients alike. In essence, he walked the walk so he can talk the talk.

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